Latina financial planning expert shares her experience with top U.S. media

Why is the role of women in finance crucial?

King educates multi-generational families of over five generations with her proven methodology!
Family economics pioneer and founder ofFamily and Money Matters™,Elaine King is trusted by top...

Elaine King is a Top Certified Financial Planner and Expert in Women’s Unique Needs

Elaine King Speaks at FFI hosted at MIT as a Leading International Family Enterprise Advisor

Semana Mujer Mipyme Hidalgo Agosto 2021

Author Elaine King Reads Saltarin at BNI Peru Virtual Event
Elaine King read her children’s book, Saltarin in a virtual event hosted by BNI Peru on June 13,...

Entrevista en Buenos Dias America: Como enseñarle él valor del dinero a un niño?

Ellevate Miami Elevating Her Story Virtual Event 13 Mayo 2021

Doral Bar Association Webinar 26 Mayo 2021