Wealth Management Blog | Elaine King

Elaine King, Offers Sage Advice in Articles and Interviews on Leading US & Latin Media Platforms

Written by Elaine | Oct 26, 2022 8:11:32 PM

Respected platforms, including leading websites in the world of finances, have sought out Elaine King as a respected international financial expert. In interviews and articles, she offers essential money advice to women, couples, and families both in the US and Latin American markets. 

As a guest author on the CFP® website, the leading financial planner certification organization in the United States, King offered fundamental insights for Latinx families. In the article, she explained what people in the Latinx community should know before working with a financial planner. She touched on important issues, such as the need many Latinx people have for a CFP® professional with experience in international financial planning. According to the Financial Times, the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards is the gold standard in financial planning. So, be sure to choose a credentialed CFP® professional, as this will guarantee you a fundamental level of knowledge and experience. 

King also wrote a second article for the CFP® Board that touches on financial strategies for single parents. Single parents face unique challenges and concerns. As the singular role model for their children, King, an expert in family finances, emphasized the importance of involving children from an early age in financial planning. 

The popular and renowned website, Her Money by Jean Chatzky, also featured King in an article covering home buying. The CEO and founder of Family and Money Matters urged new homeowners to remember to budget for insurance and taxes

Well-known actor and personal finance and entrepreneurship podcaster, Alberto Mayagoita also chose to interview Elaine King as an expert in helping couples and women manage their personal finance. In the interview, King and Mayagoita discussed cultural practices especially within Latin American couples, of earning and managing the household budget. In the dynamic interview, King offers sage advice about how families can start managing their finances, from assessing their situation to cash flow, planning savings, and growing into the future. Watch the full podcast to learn more! 

Are you ready to plan for a future of financial success with key actionable points and an accountability partner that will increase your chances of achieving your goals? Contact King to get started.